Here are some benefits of using Amazon FBA to ship non-Amazon orders to customers in Canada:


  1. Cost-effective shipping rates: Amazon FBA offers cost-effective shipping rates that trickle down to make for happier customers. FBA sellers of any business size have the advantage of offering all the shipping options that Amazon does, and access to discounted shipping rates .
  2. Non-Branded Packaging: One of the benefits of using Amazon FBA to ship non-Amazon orders to customers in Canada is that you can choose to use non-branded packaging for your products. This means that your customers will not see any Amazon logos or labels on the boxes or envelopes that contain your items. This can help you to maintain your brand identity and avoid confusing your customers with different platforms. Non-branded packaging is also a good option if you want to keep your sourcing and fulfillment methods private from your competitors. To use non-branded packaging, you need to enable the Multi-Channel Fulfillment option in your Amazon seller account and select the Amazon-Neutral Packaging option when creating your fulfillment orders. Contact us to learn more about this feature.
  3. World-class customer service: Amazon FBA also includes superb customer service, return management, and of course, Amazon FBA’s shipping rates that are not only cost-effective for small businesses everywhere but also a good long-term investment .
  4. Less competition up north: Because the Canadian market is smaller than its southern counterparts, the competition is also smaller. You have more wiggle room to set prices and set the online retailing game on your terms.
  5. Opportunity for higher profit margins: The opportunity for higher profit margins exists because of the lower competition and cost-effective shipping rates .
  6. Storage won’t be a problem: With Amazon FBA, storage won’t be a problem as it offers scalable storage solutions for small businesses.
  7. Eliminate your fulfillment headaches and get help scaling your business: With Amazon FBA, you can eliminate your fulfillment headaches and get help scaling your business.
  8. Offering all the shipping options that Amazon does: With Amazon FBA, you can offer all the shipping options that Amazon does.

By using Amazon FBA to ship non-Amazon orders to customers in Canada, small businesses can benefit from cost-effective shipping rates, world-class customer service, less competition, opportunity for higher profit margins, storage solutions, free one-day delivery and two-day shipping to Prime members, display the Prime badge on eligible products, eliminate fulfillment headaches and get help scaling their business, offering all the shipping options that Amazon does, and access to discounted shipping rates.